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Commemorative Poster Project

Hans Haacke
March 11 - 25, 2002
Poster Project
Photo © 2002 Hans Haacke
Marking the six-month anniversary of September 11th, a poster designed by artist, Hans Haacke appeared on scaffolding and media walls throughout New York City from March 11 - 25, 2002. The white poster featured negative space in the shape of the World Trade Center towers. When the poster was mounted, remnants of previous posters filled the towers silhouettes, reminding the pubic audience that September 11th created a filter through which we measure everyday realities. A downloadable desktop application version of the project is available through Creative Times website, extending the piece to the surface of computer desktops where screen-savers, browsers, files, and applications continue to fill the silhouettes of the towers.
The Haacke project was Creative Times second poster campaign in response to September 11th. The medium bore particular relevance for a public art projects due to its widespread public visibility and historic implementation by the artists. Hans Haacke has been producing challenging works for decades that draw attention to systems: nature, technology, and political systems, especially those functioning in visual culture.
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