Pawel Althamer
  & Artur Żmijewski

James Lee Byars
Sophie Calle
  & Fabio Balducci

Center for Tactical Magic
Peter Coffin
Jennifer Cohen
Anne Collier
Christian Cummings
Trisha Donnelly
Douglas Gordon
Brion Gysin
Friedrich Jürgenson
Joachim Koester
Jim Lambie
Miranda Lichtenstein
Euan Macdonald
Jonathan Monk
Senga Nengudi
Paul Pfeiffer
Eva Rothschild
Mungo Thomson
All Artists

Vital Psigns, 2005

ESP Plant Workshop

THE CENTRE FOR TACTICAL MAGIC is a collective based in the San Francisco Bay Area that produces community-based projects using latent energies to encourage positive social transformation. Tactical Magic is an amalgam of disparate arts invoked for the purpose of actively addressing power on individual, communal, and transnational fronts. This past June, the Center’s Tactical Ice Cream Unit was invited to participate in the World Urban Forum in Vancouver, Canada.