Theater Marquees by Dee Evetts & the Haiku Society of


The poems displayed on the theater marquees are haiku and senryu written by poets living in the New York area. Senryu takes the same form as haiku, with the difference that while the haiku poet tries to capture a keenly perceived moment in which nature is linked to human nature, the senryu poet aims directly at human nature.

Artists' Biography

Dee Evetts is an internationally published writer, teacher and poet, whose work has included programs for BBC Radio. He is a former vice-president of the Haiku Society of America and he founded the Spring Street Haiku Group in 1992. (For information on the Haiku Society of America, write to D. Heitmeyer, 315 East 88 Street, Apt. 1F, New York, NY 10128.)

History of the Site
