History Lesson by Ned Smyth

"Nine figures are placed in procession along the sidewalk of 42nd Street. These nine sculptures are of the human figure, male and female. Each of the nine figures is modeled after a different famous historical work of art. Each of these images represents an accepted classical ideal of the human body and mankind. They have been our icons of culture, containing our ideas of beauty, quality, roles and myth. I would like to juxtapose these historic symbols of men and women with the present. I propose to take them out of the museum and put them on the street." (Ned Smyth in original installation proposal.)

Artists' Biography

Ned Smyth has been showing both nationally and internationally since 1974, from the Venice Biennale to MoMA. For the last thirteen years, he has focused on large-scale public commissions such as the "Upper Room" in Battery Park City. In 1994, he completed six large projects.

History of the Site
