Towers of Light Over The Empire State Building.
Photographs by Roe Ethridge.
Digital Manipulation by Rob Conger.
LaVerdiere and Myoda, copyright 2001.
Towers of Light Over Tribeca
Photographs by Roe Ethridge.
Digital Manipulation by Rob Conger.
LaVerdiere and Myoda, copyright 2001.
Towers of Light Over Ellis Island
Photographs by Roe Ethridge.
Digital Manipulation by Rob Conger.
LaVerdiere and Myoda, copyright 2001.
Towers of Light Over Soho
Photographs by Roe Ethridge.
Digital Manipulation by Rob Conger.
LaVerdiere and Myoda, copyright 2001.
Towers of Light Over The Woolworth Building
Photographs by Roe Ethridge.
Digital Manipulation by Rob Conger.
LaVerdiere and Myoda, copyright 2001.
Towers of Light Over The Winter Garden
Photographs by Roe Ethridge.
Digital Manipulation by Rob Conger.
LaVerdiere and Myoda, copyright 2001.