



Strategy Development and the Role of Cultural Producers in Broad-based Movement Building

Founded in the fall of 2013 by a group of nine artists, educators, and organizers, Oak Hill Center for Education and Culture is a school and cultural center for learning, sharing, and generating creative strategies and tools for transformative social movement building. Oak Hill identifies and develops cultural organizers in Baltimore committed to economic and social justice. It serves to challenge and radically transform the current economic, political, social, and cultural system that impoverishes millions of people in their material conditions and their hearts and minds. Oak Hill focuses on fostering the role of cultural organizers in shaping ideas, consciousness, and collective action to build transformative change across race, gender and social differences.


Members of the Oak Hill Collective will present work they have been focused on recently in East Baltimore, the importance of political education in cultural strategy development, and their involvement in the New Poor People’s Campaign. The presentation will be followed by a conversation focused on cultural strategy development and the role of cultural producers in broad-based movement building.




Oak Hill