



A Woman In Politics

It would appear that we are on the threshold of global changes: the women are the deputies, senators, prime ministers and presidents nowadays. But such a phenomenon has always been – Catherine II, Maria Theresa, of course, the great rulers, female monarchs, however, this fact had no positive impact on the role and the rights of the ordinary women. The problem is that women in politics tend to accept a male gender role, she can grandly cope with the control of the country, but is she a lobbyist for the women’s rights?


This year may prove to be very significant for the United States as there is a sufficient likelihood, that for the first time in the history of the country it can be headed by a woman. But will the queen of the pantsuits become a real “female” politician, lobbyist for gender equality or her role will be reduced to a patriarchal model of governance and representation of the interests of the party?


Occurs only during session 3




Anna Hustol

Anna Hutsol

Author and ideologist of the International Women’s Movement “FEMEN”; Feminist; Consultant in the field of civil and political communications; Columnist.

Kiev, Ukraine