Summit Reader


The 2017 Creative Time Summit Reader is a compilation of resources designed to be read in conversation with the presentations and conversations that took place at the Summit. The reader has been put together by the Summit’s curatorial and production teams. We hope that the books, articles, videos and projects below will provide useful context to the Summit 2017 themes for our audience around the world. The Reader features works by this year’s speakers as well as other eminent artists, activists and scholars. Where possible, our priority has been to seek out links to entirely free and downloadable resources including critical and creative articles in popular press, Youtube videos and talks, as well as open access academic writings.







Beyond extractive capitalism, we may imagine multiple material, social, affective and spiritual relations to ‘land.’ Presenters in this section address themes of colonialist and capitalist accumulation by dispossession; indigenous land epistemologies; environmental justice in a more-than-human world; and questions of refugeeism, hospitality, borders and belonging.


Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza. Aunt Lute Books, 1999.
T.J. Demos. “The Migrant Image: The Art and Politics of Documentary during Global Crisis.” Duke University Press, Durham 2013.
LaDuke, Winona. All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life. Haymarket Books, 2016 (First edition published in 1999).
Lyons, Scott Richards. “Migrations/Removals (Introduction)” pp. 1-34. From X-marks: Native Signatures of Assent. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010.
Manuel, Arthur, Grand Chief M. Derrickson, Forward by Naomi Klein. Unsettling Canada: A National Wake Up Call. Between the Lines, 2015.
Mignolo, Walter. Local Histories/Global Designs: Coloniality, Subaltern Knowledges, and Border Thinking. Princeton University Press, 2012.
Simpson, Audra. Mohawk Interruptus: Political Life Across the Borders of Settler States. Durham: Duke University Press, 2014.







Precarity is a defining feature of late capitalism. Presenters in this section speak to the conditions of urban and rural marginality, austerity politics, anti-capitalist organizing and emergent modes of assembling, solidarity and collectivity.


Aranda, Julieta, Wood, Brian Kuan, Vidokle Anton Eds., Are You Working Too Much? Post-Fordism, Precarity, and the Labor of Art, Sternberg Press, 2011.




Love & Living



The realm of everyday practice is a space for resistance. Artists and storytellers in this section speak to the generative power of the ‘ordinary’ and of loving actions and affects. They consider how a radical politics of care; queer forms of kinship and worldmaking; and alternate modes of re-membering, witnessing and healing embody decolonial praxis.


Erickson-Schroth, Laura, ed. Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community. Oxford University Press, 2014.
Gopinath, Gayatri; Halberstam, Jack et. al. “Queer Utopia” (Responses to José Muñoz’s Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity). Social Text.
Nanibush, Wanda. “Love and Other Resistances: Responding to Kahnesatà:ke Through Artistic Practice,” This is an Honour Song: Twenty Years Since the Blockades, Arbiter Ring Press, 2010.
Smith, Linda Tuhiwai (Ngati Awa/Ngati Porou), “Colonizing Knowledges” pp. 91-108. From The Indigenous Experience: Global Perspectives Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc., 2006.







Now is the moment for transnational movements of solidarity, especially in the face of the global turn to the right. Presenters in this section address the politics and aesthetics of revolutionary praxis, the grammars of (neo) coloniality, and the possibilities for anti-capitalist organizing, anti-racist solidarity, and queer and trans liberation.


Artur Żmijewski, Pavel Arsenev, Krytyka polityczna, Ivan Brazhkin, Ilya Budraitskis, Chto Delat?, Pavel Mikitenko, Auditorium Moscow: Art and Activism, 2012
Part 1
Part 2
Césaire, Aimé. Discourse on Colonialism. New York City: New Review Press, 2000.
Mbembe, Achille. “Difference and Self Determination” Journal #80, March 2017. (This text is an excerpt from Critique of Black Reason by Achille Mbembe, translated by Laurent Dubois and published by Duke University Press in March 2017.)
Thompson, Nato. Culture as Weapon: The Art of Influence in Everyday Life, Melville House, 2017.
Trinh T. Minh-ha. Woman Native Other. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.




Activism, Art & Social Struggles in Toronto & Ontario



How are Torontonians fighting the good fight at home? How effective are activists and social movements in making Toronto a more inclusive, socially just, and democratic city? This section focuses on sites of resistance, instances of engagement, and solidarity within communities, as well as tools and strategies from some outstanding Torontonians affecting positive change in response to a range of tough challenges.