“Town Hall” conversations were held in Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, New Orleans, and New York City in March 2008. Selected organizers, artists, and activists across a broad spectrum of cultural communities discussed five questions pertaining to strategic local and national activist concerns.
Co-Curated by Daniel Tucker
Who are your audiences and how does your work mobilize them toward strategic local concerns?
Given that the ways we make money impact the type of culture we produce, how does the local economy affect your art practice? How do you work to obtain and share resources?
Describe a local cultural event that productively expanded the social networks that your practice operates within. That is to say, an event that produced a new sense of community that had political potential.
As a politically engaged artist or organization, how does your practice relate to existing social movements?
These conversations come out of a nationwide concern for the fate of democracy. How do you see your projects tying into a larger national structure? Is organizing nationally productive? What are its limitations?