Saturday, November 6, 1:00pm-3:30pm: 5 Planes

Alternate Date: Sunday, November 7
    10:00 am-12:00 pm: 3 planes
    2:00pm-4:30pm: 3 Planes.

A squadron airplanes will fly in succession along the Hudson River pulling banners emblazoned with text including Holzer's Truisms and a quote from Abraham Lincoln. Filling the sky with declarations, the artwork will suprise, humor, and startle as a reflection on power, the individual, and public life.

Planes fly from Verrazano Bridge up the Hudson River to the George Washington Bridge, looping twice again from Battery Park City. Best viewing along the Hudson waterfront from New York and New Jersey. Dates and times are approximate and subject to change. Call 212.206.6674 x2 for up to the minute information.