October 15th, 2017
WTF Do We Do Now?
Sunday, October 15, 2017
An event put into motion by Creative Time, Pioneer Works, and the Yes Men
Sunday, October 15, 2017
10am – 7pm
Pioneer Works, 159 Pioneer Street
Creative Time, Pioneer Works, and the Yes Men are proud to announce WTF Do We Do Now?, a one-day gathering with open forums, town hall meetings, and small-group dialogues. Guest speakers will include Avram Finkelstein, Tiona Nekkia McClodden, and Molly Crabapple; others will be confirmed shortly.
Back in 2007, after seven long hard years of Bush, RNC protests, the Patriot Act, and the so-called “War on Terror,” a few hundred activists and artists gathered to ask: What Do We Do Now?
Ten years later, we pose a similar but even more urgent question. WTF Do We Do Now? will be a moment for creative activists and politically-inclined artists to reflect on a year of bad politics, and to gather energy, develop clarity, and make plans for the long fight ahead. We’ll come out of the day with calls for action that make real sense in today’s political landscape—one that’s volatile and dangerous, but also full of unexpected opportunities for progressive change.
We welcome you to bring (or seek) clarity and strategy on the issues you care about, as well as new ways to take care of yourself and your friends.
Thank you for your interest in attending WTF Do We Do Now? The registration for this event is closed. To put your name on the waiting list please e-mail education@pioneerworks.org.
If you are interested in receiving an email with notes and resources from the day’s programs, send your name and contact information to education@pioneerworks.org.
SPEAKERS AND SPECIAL GUESTS (more to be confirmed shortly):
Avram Finkelstein (Gran Fury), Frances Fox Piven, and Molly Crabapple. Participants will include Occupy Museums, BFAMFAPhD (Caroline Woolard, Emilio Martinez Poppe, Susan Jahoda, Vicky Virgin, Agnes Szanyi), the School of Apocalypse, and many more. Guest facilitation for the day by Andrew Freiband and the Artist Working Group.
WTF Do We Do Now?
Sunday, October 15, 2017
10am – 7pm
Pioneer Works, 159 Pioneer Street