Our Wild and Wonderful Collective
November 16th, 2017
My name is Ashley Artis, and I am Creative Time’s Programming and Engagement Manager.
The first time I saw a Creative Time project I cried. Like, ugly cried.
It was September 2002, and as my family and I drove into the city from our Jersey home, I braced myself for the skyline, broken and haunted. The Twin Towers had fallen on my first day of high school the year before. That’s when I saw them–two monumental beams of light, a message of hope and resilience to my own heartache and confusion. Creative Time’s Tribute in Light was art in action, creating a powerful link between myself and something wildly beyond comprehension.
Fast forward to 14 years later. I am freelancing and doing a favor for a friend… With very little details in hand, I show up at the Brooklyn Army Terminal at 9 am on a brisk fall day having no idea I was about to become part of a historical production, Pedro Reyes’ Doomocracy. There, I got to experience first hand all the hard, often gritty work that happens behind the scenes, and then symphonically comes together to create art that shifts collective consciousness. After months of working on Doomocracy, seeing people’s reactions on opening night changed me — from a happy artist, to visitors in awe — it was powerful.
And then, just a month later, I joined the Creative Time family permanently. I am so proud to now be a part of this collective of wild, wonderful, brilliant human beings who work so hard to bring these jaw-dropping projects to the public.
Since 1974, Creative Time has commissioned over 350 projects and thousands of artists, and activated sites all over the world (even in outer space). Today, I ask you to join me in supporting Creative Time. From gifting a membership, renewing your own, or making a tax deducible gift, there are many ways to give and we are deeply grateful for them all.
With gratitude,