Sleepover FAQ
We know you’re more than a little curious about what we have in store for you, so here’s a few FAQs on the essentials to make sure you have what it takes to go the distance.
Sleep … or don’t sleep. The lower level will envelop you in a chill out zone for dreaming, decompressing, and recharging. Lowe & Freeman cinema, brand new Brambilla, milk, cookies, White Russians. You get the picture.
Come hungry and thirsty. From liquid silk Elyx every which way to a dinner banquet to Space Program secret recipe red beans and rice to midnight snacks to breakfast with Dimes: we will keep you fortified!
Garments for dancing, lounging, playing. There will be bag check and bathrooms for outfit changes and morning yoga ensembles if you’d like. The buzz is designer sweats, sloth onesies, health goth, pj’s, and even birthday suits.
A Creative Time sleepover may never come your way again so carpe diem and let your inhibitions loose. Come and go and come back as you please. We promise that the true believers who see this thing through will depart Neuehouse at 8am checkout in a state of blissed out transcendence and ready to hit the floor again that night for act II: the epic dance party at 9pm. Just do it!
110 E 25th Street, NYC

*Must be 21+ to attend.
Creative Time is a 501©3 organization and qualifies as tax-exempt. Your donation is considered tax-deductible to the fullest extent provided by law.