Directions to the Anchorage

The Anchorage is located inside the base of the Brooklyn Bridge on Cadman Plaza West, at the intersection of Hicks and Old Front Streets, Brooklyn.

By subway, take the A/C train to High Street or the 2/3 to Clark Street.

For the A/C, take a left upon exiting at High Street. Walk down Cadman Plaza West towards the river and under the BQE overpass.

For the 2/3, exit on Henry Street and turn left. Turn left again on Cadman Plaza West, walk towards the river, under the BQE overpass. The Anchorage entrance is on your right.

For the F train, go to the York St. stop. Take a left on York St. and walk towards the Bridge. take a left on Washington St., and bear right, beneath the Brooklyn Bridge ramp. Walk toward the river, beneath the BQE overpass and the Anchorage is on your right.

By car: From FDR DRIVE: South to Brooklyn Bridge. Take the first exit off Brooklyn Bridge which is Cadman Plaza West. On exit ramp take right fork and at end or ramp bear left. Follow road down to river.

From BQE East: Off at Cadman Plaza West Exit. At first ligth make U-Turn (lega) and follow road straight down to the river.

From BQE West: Off at Cadman Plaza West Exit. Follow the road straight down to the river.
