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Project : ***box
In a city where residential resources are in constant demand and more and more surfaces are used for advertising, 212box LLC presents an architectural option that simultaneously addresses both of these issues. ***box is a prototype of a living space that is designed to be attached onto the sides of buildings. In future versions, the walls, embedded with pixilated glass panels, will be used for advanced media display technologies. Positioned ambivalently as a celebration of the visual pleasure of advertising and a critique of our expanding consumer culture, ***box is a utilitarian statement about the parasitic relationship between advertising and urban architecture.

Artist : 212box LLC
212box LLC is a New York City collaborative office that was formed by Eric Clough, Erik L'Heureux, and Heather Bensko in 1999. Encompassing a large breadth of subject matter, 212box's work includes design research in residential and commercial architecture, product design, graphic design, advertising, and film. Believing that design is a comprehensive endeavor, 212box focuses on all its aspects; including the business strategy, office team, design process, advertising and its design potential in alternative media. 212box creates new partnerships with financial institutions, non profit arts organizations, individual clients, and private businesses to expand research beyond the design of architecture. The goal is to foreground design opportunities often traditionally overlooked, maximizing a design project through multiple and varied incarnations. 212box popularizes their design through the integration of high and low art forms, modern materials and construction technologies, business strategies and architecture, advocating their practice through buildings, films, print, and toys.


bill fontana
marjetica potrc
Creative Time, Inc. 307 7th Avenue . Suite 1904 . NYC NY 10001 . 212.206.6674