Creative Time Is Grateful For The Incredible Generosity of This Project’s Supporters
The Annenberg Foundation and
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts

With Executive Producers
Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Dathel and Tommy Coleman, Bilge and Haro Cumbusyan, Beth Rudin DeWoody, Cristina Enriquez-Bocobo, Ruth U. Fertel Foundation, Carol and Arthur Goldberg, Anthony J. Gordon, Peggy Jacobs, Dakis Joannou, Liz Kabler, Randy Slifka, and Amanda Weil.

And Benefactors
Bryan W. Bailey and Family, Damon Brandt, Margaret DeWolf, Zoe and Joel Dictrow, Lauren Friedman, Miguel Gutierrez, Marieluise Hessel and Ed Artzt, Lori Krauss, Ilene Kurtz-Kretzschmar, Abina Manning, Heather Randall, Shulamit and Jehuda Reinharz, Donna and Benjamin Rosen, Raphael Sassower, Kerry Scharlin and Peter Klosowicz, Anne and William Palmer, Debra and Dennis Scholl, Judith L. Sollott, David Teiger, Lisa and Jeff Thorp, Paul Tyler, United Aid Foundation, Rima Vargas-Vetter and Paul Ukena, and Franny Zorn.

This project is made possible by the partnership of the City of New Orleans.

Creative Time gratefully acknowledges public funding from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs; the New York State Council on the Arts, a State agency; New York City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn; and State Senator Thomas K. Duane. Special thanks to Carol Greene of Greene-Naftali Gallery.

Creative Time, Paul Chan and the Classical Theatre of Harlem would like to thank the following people whose support has been invaluable to this production:
Anthony Bean, Ron Bechet, David Bilbe, Willie Birch, Jessica Bizer, Shelly Boles, Rachel Breunlin, Elana Broitman, Ed Buckner, Dan Cameron, Father Joseph Campion, Teresa Cole, Ernest Collins, Betty at All Congregations Together, Rev. Jeff Connor, Rondell Crier, Jan Cohen Cruz, Mary Len Costa, Scott Darah, Jennifer Day, Kathy DeJean, Rev. Charles Duplessis, Courtney Egan, Brandon Early, Dan Etheridge, Davida Finger, Jim Fitzmorris, Pamela Franco, Jordan Flaherty, Kami Galeana, Jan Gilbert, Greta Gladny, Luther Goins, Robert Green, Scott Griffin, Julie Harris, Sabrina Mays-Montana, Pastor Haywood, Council Member Cynthia Hedge-Morell, Abram Himmelstein, Hot Iron Press (Jenny and Kyle), Peggy Jacobs, Byron Kantrow, Ann Kaufman, Mapo Kinnord-Payton, Nate at Klose Kuts, Dan Krall, Council Member Cynthia Willard-Lewis, Ronald Lewis, Robin Levy, Rick Lowe, Robert Mendoza, Jana Napoli, Arthur Okazi, Juliet Page, Bill Quigley, Father Bart Pax, Thom Pepper, Danielle Porcaro, Malik Rahim, Kathy Randels, Brad Richard, Jim Richard, Beth Rudin DeWoody, Kalamu Ya Salaam, Matt Schwarzman, Natalie Sciortino, Matt Shelton, Cynthia Scott, Albert Stein, Aimee Smallwood, Michael Sowell, Lawrence Stern, Bob Tannen, John Tisch, Ashley Vitiano, Jay Weigel, MK Wegman, Jerald White, Dan Zimmer; Father Bart Pax, Brother Mark, and Jackie at St. Mary’s; the usher and volunteer staff, and more.

Promotion: Maureen Sullivan, Creative Time; with support from Jeanne Nathan and Creative Industry; Sarah Bacon and Amanda Fox, Fenton Communications; Brett Singer, Classical Theatre of Harlem.

Creative Time would also like to thank the following New Orleans organizations that helped with production: The City of New Orleans, The City of New Orleans Department of Public Works, The City of New Orleans Department of Safety and Permits, The New Orleans Police Department, The New Orleans Fire Department, The Mayor’s Office of Arts and Entertainment, The New Orleans Office of Film and Video, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, The Orleans Levee District, The Arts Council of New Orleans, The Gentilly Civic Improvement Association, The Burbank Gardens Neighborhood Association, The Lake Terrace Property Owners Association, The University of New Orleans, Xavier University, Dillard University, NOCCA High School, Lusher High School, Frederic Douglass High School, John McDonough High School, Students at the Center, Neighborhood Story Project, The Porch, and Renaissance Project.