CAULEEN SMITH: THE FULNESS OF TIME NEW YORK PREMIERE Tuesday, July 1, 8 PM The Kitchen, 512 West 19th Street FOLLOWED BY A TALK WITH THE ARTIST AND PAUL CHAN FREE, SEATING IS ON A FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS Creative Time presents avant-garde filmmaker Cauleen Smith’s The Fullness of Time (2007), an experimental film realized in conjunction with Paul Chan’s Waiting for Godot in New Orleans project, and produced by Creative Time. The Fullness of Time explores the psychological fabric of Hurricane Katrina’s survivors who live in New Orleans in the aftermath of one of the deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States. Shot in a series of vignettes, Smith’s gritty Futurist narrative follows the traumatic journey of a hurricane Katrina survivor. Smith’s jagged narration unfolds to the rhythm of diverse artistic gestures from gospel to graffiti to jazz and theater. Smith’s perspective combines science fiction and documentary practices, genres that she refers to as visual filters “allowing me to decode all of the rage and grief, elation, and hope that I feel when I think of New Orleans.” Smith’s The Fullness of Time was filmed concurrently with Paul Chan’s project Waiting for Godot in New Orleans.
A short preview of the film: |