About the Project
For Art in the Anchorage 4, Creative Time presented an eclectic array of artworks and performances. As in prior Anchorage events, the cathedral-like interior and dramatic vaults of the Brooklyn Bridge provided a provocative environment for each artist’s vision. Works included David Helm’s 555-1212, a slide-projected environment composed of images of America’s top ten folk heroes (as designated by a 1987 World Almanac poll), as well as a Guerrilla Girls retrospective of posters, broadsides, and visual materials that address sexism and racism in the art world.
Artist Judy Pfaff produced an environmental sculpture in one of the Anchorage’s chambers, which she achieved by filling the space with brightly colored, playful assemblages of found objects. Pfaff also worked with collaborators John Kelly, Wendy Copps, and Beatricia Sagar, Huck Snyder to present CIRCUS, a series of tableaux vivants inspired by the traditional one-ring circus.