About the Project
Globalization has had a profound impact on the art world, enabling artists to travel far and wide—from urban cultural centers to remote natural ecosystems—but with the pressures of rapidly expanding cultural tourism and markets, artists have less time to develop their work and engage with the communities of the places they visit. In late 2010 and early 2011, The Creative Time Global Residency Program addressed these challenges by providing six artists the opportunity, funding, and time to conduct more in-depth research on the issues that fuel their work.
Artist Maya Lin, for one, traveled to sites of marked environmental change (including Ecuador, Egypt, and China), where she researched mass extinctions caused by the degradation of natural habitats. Sanford Biggers, meanwhile, traveled to Brazil and used the medium of video to explore the cultural hybridization of the region. Emily Jacir took in the pulse of activism in urban areas of Italy, with a particular focus on various immigrant communities; and Swoon traveled to Haiti, where she worked with local residents to rebuild housing and community structures. K8 Hardy visited Chile, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina and investigated fringe queer culture, particularly feminist and lesbian communities actively producing cultural forms. Additionally, Walid Raad traveled to Beirut to explore the burgeoning infrastructure of the visual arts in the Arab world.
Photo by Emily Jacir
Generous support for the 2010–11 Creative Time Global Residencies has been provided by the Rockefeller Foundation’s NYC Cultural Innovation Fund.