About the Project
In light of the events of the past year, the 2012 Creative Time Summit addressed the extreme wealth disparity that is increasingly affecting the global economy and politics. Presenters at the 2012 Creative Time Summit: Confronting Inequity, reflected upon recent upheavals in the international political and economic climate, focusing specifically on the topic of wealth inequity across the globe and the ways in which it erodes democracy.
Slavoj Žižek, one of the most polemical and entertaining theorists of our time, headlined the roster of speakers at the conference with artist Martha Rosler. Other presenters included artists Michael Rakowitz and Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev and, from the social justice field, Malkia Cyril of the Center for Media Justice and Joia Mukerjee, Chief Medical Officer of Partners in Health, among many others. Additionally, in an effort to acknowledge the impressive scope of past Summit attendees, the lineup included a special presentation by a member of of our community, selected through the first-ever open call for a Summit presenter.
At the 2012 Summit there were more opportunities than ever for attendees—onsite or online—to participate. In-depth discussion sessions on Day Two allowed audience members to engage directly with one another and presenters about a particular topic. The Summit Lunch on Day One with Conflict Kitchen gave attendees another chance to meet and exchange ideas.
Outside of New York, 40 institutions hosted live screenings of the Summit. Many have organized corresponding events, including local presentations and discussion groups. Be sure to check out the sites page on our website for up to date information about screening sites and opportunities for screening the Summit near you!