About the Project
Via the medium of a televised public service announcement, artist Juliet Cuming reintroduced the debate regarding pro-choice politics to a generation of MTV-era women, who grew up post-Roe vs. Wade and therefore may have been unaware that their right to a safe and legal abortion was in jeopardy. Working with female role models from the pop music community, Cuming’s PSA was produced at the Kaufman Astoria Studios in Queens with the support of two hundred volunteers and contributors from the film, fashion, and photography industries.
The Most Exciting Women in Music video received extensive media coverage in publications, despite Cuming’s difficulty in getting the PSA aired. Creative Time’s sponsorship of the project made the organization a target for attacks by the right-wing press as part of ongoing efforts to discredit the National Endowment for the Arts.
Photograph by Nan Goldin