For Creative Time in the Anchorage, nanogod has compiled a sequence of songs that substitute Andreas Angelidakis's dreamlike exlorations of space and reality with an emotional counterpart - a roamng heart's attempt to reconcile love imagined and love experienced. This work consists of thematic music compilations digitially recorded on 80 minute CDRs. Mixed down on Cool Edit Pro software, each finaltrack has a specific theme, either generic (i.e. pastoral scenes, portraits, love affairs) or conceptual (a nightclub for one, a record store in heaven).
Nanogod is half Greek, half Uruguayan and born in 1967 in Athens, Greece. He studied at Cenral Saint martin's School of Art and Design. His work explores the area where pop music, dj culture, loneliness, fandom and personal history overlap. Currently, nanogod is in the process of creating a 21st century psycho-pastoral. This will be an audio-visual environment in which an uninterrupted 8 hours of music will soundtrack a day in the country within us. Like a life in seach of someone to live it, or an inspriation for something not yet acheived, nanogod compiles the music of memories anticipated.