The Firehouse
Bring Down The Walls occupied Firehouse, Engine Company 31, a historic, decommissioned fire station in Lower Manhattan’s Civic Center, which is surrounded by the institutional pillars of the prison industrial complex, including the Manhattan Detention Complex and New York City’s courthouses.
About DCTV
Firehouse, Engine Company 31, is run by Downtown Community Television Center (DCTV), which has been New York City’s preeminent community of and for documentary storytellers since 1972. DCTV offers the latest and best in class for media arts production, as well as endless opportunities to discover and elevate the stories of every community. By providing professional training and tools, access to critical equipment and public exhibition space, they give youth, aspiring and emerging filmmakers, and communities of all backgrounds greater voice and platforms through media arts. Their mission is to work toward improved social justice and political equality by empowering people to develop and share their stories. DCTV has earned national recognition with 16 Emmy Awards and two Oscar nominations in documentary filmmaking.
Photograph by César Martinez, Creative Time’s Leonhardt Cassullo Video Fellow.